Scenes from our international exhibitions

Sophie Dervaux and José Antonio Masmano playing the Navarro trio at the IDRS in Bangkok. Hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth! Yours Püchners


Merry Christmas and an uplifting and peaceful 2023, Yours Püchner family and team.

JINGLE BELL REED by Ensemble Masmano

What if FredReed MercuReed played the oboe?

José A. Masmano plays Poulenc Trio

José Antonio Masmano, Püchner artist and oboist of the Granada Symphony orchestra playing Poulenc Trio with Alexandre Silvério at the International Sao Paulo Double Reed Festival 2018

José Antonio Masmano performing Oscar Navarro

José Antonio Masmano, Oboist and English Hornist with the Granada Symphony, performing Legacy, Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra by Osca Navarro

José Antonio Masmano playing the Blues

José Antonio Masmano, Püchner artist and oboist of the Granada Symphony orchestra playing the Blues